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Access to Health Professionals CSHIN | RCSSP reports

The CSHIN|RCSSP team prepares a quarterly swiine health report intended for canadian swine health professionals. Swine health professionals eligible to receive these quarterly reports are:

  1. veterinarians who are members of the Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians (CASV) and who are working for canadian swine producers
  2. veterinarians who work for the canadian swine sector and who are not members of the CASV (on request)
  3. non-veterinary professionals who are involved in the management of swine health in Canada (on request).

The eligibility of non CASV members to the quarterly CSHIN helth professional rteports s decided by the CASV health committee. All eligible members are already registered in the CNPHS wiki database CSHIN

Obtain your password

  1. Click “Connect” at the top right
  2. Click “Define your password”
  3. Enter your username which is your e-mail name. For example “” would write JeanBienvenu.
  4. Follow the instructions received in your email
    1. The email may end up in the junk section.
    2. The email will be sent to you by
  5. The system will send the required password
    1. Once registered, you will have the option to change your password by clicking “Update profile”
en/accessrules.1606310028.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/30 17:54 (external edit)